Black Tie Cowboys
The four abstract sculptures of the Black Tie Cowboys are located on the corners of Twohig and Chadbourne. Artists Julie Raymond worked alongside fabricators Abel Rodriguez and Neil Grigg to create these sculptures. The smallest cowboy stands at 9' in front of Martiques building. The 10' cowboy stands across the street near the parking lot. The 11' cowboy is on the corner by the Guarantee Title Company and the largest at 12' tall is on the corner by The Tremble and Batjer building.
These Black Tie Cowboys were constructed using architectural styrofoam. Grigg, a master welder, constructed a working pole for all the work to be seen and the featured black tie. Rodriguez, a stucco construction expert, created the tools he needed and got to work sculpting the bodies, heads, and black cowboy hats.
Hat's off to these creatives for an amazing addition to our Downtown San Angelo Streetscape, Black Tie Cowboy.
Artist: Julie Raymond
Fabricators: Abel Rodriguez and Neal Grigg